Terina and her husband of 24 years are the co-founders of Dutton Family Ministries and have been in full time ministry for over 14 years. They and their 6 children (3 adopted, 3 bio) have traveled worldwide, moving over 41 times to 5 countries, 7 States, and 20 cities. You never know where you will find them next!
As a wife, mother, ministry leader, businesswoman, author, former Olympic level athlete, coach, and sold out follower of Jesus, Terina is passionate about saying yes to God, wherever it leads. She believes God has not called us to a safe, secure, and comfortable life but often His leading will look just the opposite, requiring radical faith, His limitless power, and excellent coffee.
Terina is also the founder of One Heart Global Boutique & The Rise Up Movement.
Terina’s goal is to inspire others to fulfill their God given purposes. She knows this will transform lives, families, communities, and nations for His glory.
Terina is passionate about speaking at women’s retreats, conferences, and events. If you would like Terina to speak at an event or have any questions, feel free to reach out at: