Rise Up Study Workbook


Rise Up Study Workbook

from $15.00

Have you had an unsettling stirring in your spirit you can't shake though you try?

Yes, the world is in turmoil and while it's tempting to ignore it, withdraw, or disconnect, God is extending an invitation for you to respond in a more impactful way. In this season God is preparing His church to step into something new; something significant.

So join us on a journey through brothels, dumps, orphanages, slums, and hear how, in even the darkest places, God is moving. Be awakened to both needs and the unique answer God created you to bring.

It’s time to awaken & shake off every chain holding you back to join a movement of those who will RISE UP to be all that God has created them to be and respond to a world in crisis with powerful solutions.

For such a time as this!

*This workbook accompanies the Rise Up Movement Bible Study, which is an 8 week study with a weekly video. The workbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the videos.

You can access the videos via the button on the Rise Up Movement page or by downloading our Rise Up App.


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