We had just arrived in the US after living in Uganda. Not only had we just experienced one of the most difficult seasons of our lives, we we’re still in the midst of many challenges, having no place to call home, no money, and what felt like no light at the end of the tunnel.
It was during this season, while attending a Writers Conference, I learned a profound lesson in giving. I had stumbled into the campus bookstore and found myself marveling at the countless goods and options throughout. After living in Uganda, it felt like Disneyland. While my senses were overwhelmed with so many wonderful items to purchase, buying them was not an option.
Later that evening, to my utter shock, I won a $25 gift card to the bookstore. I was so thrilled I cried! However, almost as soon as I received it, God said to me, “give it to her,” referring to the teenage girl standing near me. My heart sank. Really!? I wrestled, pleaded, and reasoned with God as to how I “needed” it more, and ultimately; didn’t give it to her that night.
The following morning, I attended the prayer meeting, planning to shop immediately after it, if I didn’t run into this teenager first. Imagine my surprise upon walking in, at 7:15 am mind you, to see her there. My initial selfish response was, “what in the world is a teenager doing up this early to go and pray…go back to bed!" (normally, I would think this was awesome!). ;)
In reality, I knew God wasn’t letting me off the hook, so after the prayer meeting was over, I postured my heart to give as joyously as I could, handed her the gift card and said, "God wanted me to give this to you."
As tears welled up in her eyes, I hugged her and then walked away because, honestly, tears nearly welled up in mine as well. That one hurt!
While sauntering away, God challenged me...
"Does your giving make you cry?"
"do you always give in a way that costs you something; in a way that is, genuinely, a SACRIFICAL love offering to Me?
We are called to be generous givers, and with a cheerful heart might I add; but the kind of giving the Lord is pleased with is the sacrificial kind. The Lord didn’t commend those who gave out of their wealth, but the widow who gave all she had to live on. She didn't give abundantly out of her extra, but in spite of her lack, and He praised her for it!
Can I challenge you to ask yourself this same question:
"does your giving make you cry?"
And to cap the story with the INCREDIBLE thing that happened less than an hour later, a lady I had met very briefly came up to me after one of the classes. She reached out to shake my hand and said, "it was nice to meet you!" I felt her slip something into my hand. It was a $100 bill!
God had reached down to remind me, yet again, not only are our sacrificial gifts a joy to Him, but as our Father, He sees us and knows what we need! May you be encouraged to give in a way that makes you want to cry; happy tears of course!